Today we lost a classmate, brother, son, but most importantly a friend. Ryker Dattage was killed in a car accident. He will be greatly missed and prayers and thoughts going out to his family and those others involved in the accident.

After I heard what happened it really made me think, things like this can really happen to anyone! We always think it just happens to other people and we would never have to deal with it but today I was very humbled. I realized that I take a lot of my friendships for granted! I have so many amazing people in my life that support me in everything that I do, they laugh with me (and at me), but best of all they love me. I am so blessed!

This post is dedicated to all the people out there who have stood by my side in times of need or hardship! To those who have supported my decisions, good and bad, and those who have influenced me to do good and helped me become the person I am today.
There have been a lot of times in my life that I needed a friend, and no matter what there was always someone there I could trust! (you know who you are) She has always been there to laugh and cry with me, to support me, comfort me, love me, stand up and protect me, humble me, guide me, and give me the sister I never had. We have our differences, no doubt! But no matter what she has always been there for me and has always had my back, she has shown me what a real friend is and is such a good example of how we should treat our friends. She definitely has her fair share of trials, but it is so amazing to see the amount of strength, courage, and faith she has. She could endure anything. Her family has taken me in and treated me with so much love and kindness that, in all honesty, its almost overwhelming!! Haha, in a good way, of course! I love them just as much as my own family and I am so thankful for them and the things they have done for me! Boo Boo (no names for security reasons) is the best little sister I could ever ask for!!

She isn't the only one! My brothers (although related so really we don't have a choice but to be friends) are my best friends! The have been there since the beginning, literally! I know I can always count on them to put my in my place when I need it, but also to lighted my mood when I'm down.

I learned a lot about friendship today and I hope I never lose sight of who is important to me! I'm so thankful for the relationships I have and have had. There are so many people in my life that I just can't thank enough, I am so grateful. My heart is full and I hope that everyone can think about their friends and remember to tell them how much you love and care!
Much love :)
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