Wow wow wow! The last few months just FLEW by! I really should update this more often, but when I finally find time I end up being social, gross right?

So much to say in so little space! Lets see, Summer was AWESOME!!! I had so much fun hanging out with all my friends. I went on a few dates, which is great because now I can say that I sort of have (or had) a dating life! I went cliff jumping a few times and paddle boarding a few times, zip lining in Park City, celebrating a birthday or two, or six, with some very good friends, and played a radical game of capture the flag with paint guns. Not to mention our late night movies and the million times we played games. There was so much more to this summer than can be said here and now! After being blessed with amazing roommates I think I was supposed to learn to live with people I didn't get along with. This summer there was the slob, the mom, the rude one, and the workaholic. Luckily, I was rooming with the workaholic and we got along very well. I definitely learned a lot from them, and I will definitely be teaching my children how to live, LIKE ADULTS, on their own before they actually move out so that they aren't the roommate nobody can stand. It sounds rude but if you have lived on your own you definitely know what I'm talking about! Unless you are the one that nobody can stand... ;)
Next on the list: I lost my job at Call Assistant in the beginning of the summer and shortly after that I decided that I was supposed to serve a mission. I got my papers all filled out and I actually submitted them and my call was on the way when I decided to wait to serve, the timing was not right. So I postponed my call, undid my leave of absence from Utah State, filed for financial aid, and registered for classes. What a trip it has been! After all the hustle to get into school, I accepted a position at Herberger's, a department store in the mall. I'm about a month in and it has been great! It is an easy job and it is nice to have an income again, and I can honestly say that I am very excited to get to pay tithing again because I have such a strong testimony of the blessings you can receive from paying a full tithe.
And now life has begun...

School is great, my grades aren't suffering just yet. I'm taking Anthropology, Religious Studies, Social Work, Yoga, Institute, and FCHD and these classes all work together so well! It seems like every time I learn about a new topic in one class, it helps me understand something better in another class, even yoga! Its been so good so far. Jessica and Kyle FINALLY got engaged! Good new for everyone because now I get to move back into Old Farm next semester. That is if I have enough money to do so... but so far that it what I am counting on. My birthday is coming up fast, just 2 more months! Crazy, eh? I'll be 20 years old, I do wish I could stay 20 forever. I'll probably say the same thing at 21, 22, 23, and 24! Up until like 28 and I'll be wishing I was 20 again. My new ward is SOOO much fun! It is full of a lot of really young guys thins year but that's okay. I have been making lots of friends, even living at home. I am meeting lots of new people on and off campus, at work, at activities, in my ward, in my classes, and it has been so amazing! I wish I would have been this friendly last year because it is so much more fun. It has been such a blast though, I am keeping busy with school and work but I've also been doing all sort of fun things with my friends! Country swing dancing is one of our things we all like to do together, I'm actually getting pretty good. Not to mention all of our movie nights, temple trips, and dance parties that we have.

I love all my friends and I am so thankful for their examples to me and all the love and kindness they show me, especially my "roommates" They are such a blessing in my life and I don't know (and don't want to know) where I would be without them. The church is so good you guys! I love this gospel and the many blessings I receive from being a part of it. I am so thankful for the knowledge I have of my savior and his Atonement, for the knowledge I have of the next life and God's love for me. I love my ward and my calling and I will aways to everything I can to expand my calling as much as possible. The church is true and the church is good.
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