All About ME

I'm Kamille, I'm 19 years young, and this is my blog! I grew up in a house with 3 brothers and 0 sisters. I'm LDS and I love the gospel! I am currently attending Utah State University, majoring in Social Work. I'm bringing you with me on my journey of moving out, starting college, getting surgery, dating, living and loving life, and all the in between! Stay for a while and enjoy!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Meet The Crew

I know you have all been wondering, "Who are all these 'friends' Kamille talks about?" Well, today is your lucky day! Now I don't want anyone to get too jealous because I have a pretty awesome group of friends! Where do I even begin??

Lets start with my roomies!
I couldn't ask for better roommates, there are 6 of us in our 3 bed, one and a half bath apartment. It sounds tight, but its not squishy unless we all decide to use the kitchen at the same time. Sarah Scott is my roomie, she is the best there is! She is always in a good mood except at 8 in the morning, but she always has a smile on her face and is so easy to talk to. She can lighten anyone's day and is really good at falling up the stairs! Next we can talk about Rachel and Charity, the terrible twosome. When we first moved in and I didn't know anyone I was pretty sure they hated me or at least thought I was a freak. As time has gone on and we have all gotten to know each other better I have realized that they really do think I'm a freak! I love these two, Charity is very witty and can always find a way to make me laugh. She is super friggin' pretty and is so kind to everyone around her. Rachel is just so great! Her laugh is contagious, it doesn't matter why she is laughing, she can always make me laugh. She is such a great example to all of us. Sarah Isaac and Jessica have a very close relationship, its so fun to just sit back and watch them! Jessica keeps us all on her toes and keeps the apartment in order, and is so much fun to be around! She has a very dry humor, she tells things how they are, its hilarious! Sarah Isaac is the cutest girl you'll ever meet! I predict that she will be the first one in our apartment to get married. She is so sweet to everyone and always has a smile on her face. She is always fun to be around and can make anyone crack a smile.

And now everyone else!

 The boys next door are the best friends that we have at Old Farm. We met them a week or two into the school year and ever since that night we haven't gone a day without hanging out. There is Keagan, Kelton, Mitchell, Tyler, Bryce, Jory, and there was Nate. They are known as "the boys" and we basically do everything together! Keagan drives a Jeep (Yes, I have asked him to marry me) so we are always going up the canyon to find mud! That is probably, no definitely my favorite thing to do. Other than that we are always watching movies, eating sweets, or playing games. They are all a blast to be around and such great guys. They are all freshman and most are planning to serve missions. They are such great examples to all of us and are always keeping me out of trouble! I couldn't have asked for better friends!

The Lord has blessed me so much and I am so grateful for all the people that have entered my life. I learn so much everyday about myself and I am growing into the person I want to become. I am influenced to much be these amazing people and I would never give that up! I love all of these guys (and gals) and I hope that our friendships can last for a long time!

Much love :)

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Wait, it gets better.

The Lord definitely works in mysterious ways! My first month of college has been lots of different things, exciting, spontaneous, scary, thrilling, stressful, exhausting, hectic, and lots of other things but I can't think of anymore words.  There are many things that have strengthened my testimony and also many things that have tested my faith.

A new friend we met while here has been to the hospital twice this month due to some illnesses and psychological issues he has. We have been trying to help him and support him as he goes through his trials but it has been very hard. I'm not going to go on a rant about all the things that are on my mind but a lot of the things he says and does really irks me and many other people. He is a great kid, don't get me wrong, but at times he is very contradicting and well, annoying. It makes it hard to be around him sometimes. Recently I have been getting very fed up with his lies and his attitude and I was feeling very conflicted at what to do I had been praying for help and asking for this boy to be comforted through his trials. One night while reading my scriptures I read 2 Nephi 2:1-8, In the first verse it says "...In thy childhood thou hast suffered afflictions and much sorrow, because of the rudeness of thy brethren." Then it goes on to talk about how much Jacob will be blessed for having to go through that but dealing with it with faith in the Lord. That was the first thing I read after praying for help, prayers answered? Wait, it gets better. Then the next day in institute we talked about the good Samaritan and being a good neighbor. That was when I realized that this guy just needs to be cared about and loved and we are the ones who can do that. And I don't mean just being tolerant of him, I mean actually loving him. Serving him and praying for him, truly caring. I realized today that that isn't as hard as it sounds. I look at him as a child of God and I remind myself that he is just as loved by our Father in heaven as I am.

Things are going better now and life is moving forward. Last weekend My roommate, Sarah, and my neighbor, Keagan, and I went to Keagan's grandparents house for General Conference weekend and, of course, for the USU vs. BYU football game. The weekend started out great with us totally defeating BYU 35 to 21. Then, as always, General Conference was AMAZING. I love listening to all the messages that come from our church leaders. They are all amazing people and truly are the words of our Father in Heaven. The rest of the weekend was spend jamming out to Guitar Hero, obviously I kicked everyone's trash! We had a lot of fun but it felt really good to finally be home. That was until I discovered that I had gotten food poisoning by puking up all the apples and granola bars I had eaten for dinner. It was SO MUCH FUN! My ideal vacation is laying on the couch either hungry or puking for 24 hours straight! My roommates thought it was the flu so they stocked up on disinfectant wipes (that kill the flu virus) and sanitized everything I touched. I felt better after I slept for about 18 hours straight but I still didn't go to class, just in case.

The rest of the week has gone a lot smoother and I haven't had much to worry about. Hockey starts tomorrow, against BYU! I'm so ready to watch them get slaughtered! It probably drives my roommates insane how much I talk about hockey but its too great of a sport to not talk about it. Anyway, the moral of the story is to always do what the Lord would have you do, always make sure your chicken is cooked, and always watch hockey!

Much love :)

Monday, September 22, 2014

That College Lyfe Tho

I thought that maybe I should start writing posts about my week, along with the cool experiences I have. Its always fun to hear about the life as a college student as it really is, not how everyone thinks it is.

Its crazy how time flies! It feels like just yesterday I was still living at home and letting my mommy do my laundry. I have been living on my own and providing for myself for a little over a month now! I LOVE it! I'm not even sure where to begin.....

Living without parents:
It is exactly what you think it would be like, no curfew, no food, and lots of friends and activities! The first 2 weeks were the best! We stayed up all night hanging out with friends and doing crazy things like rolling down giant hills in the middle of the night,  and running around in the pouring rain, trying not to be struck by lightning! My roommates and I were always having movie nights with lots of treats and playing pranks on the neighbors! Then we realized that sleep it good for you and helps you do better on tests, so thins week I have definitely gotten a lot more sleep!

Living with roommates:
It is definitely different for everyone and I have heard lots of crazy stories about roommates, mine are super awesome! Once we all got to know each other and warmed up a little bit we started having so much fun! All 5 of my roommates are from Utah and are LDS, which is so great. We all have the same standards and are very active in the church so we all look out for each other and help each other make the best choices and become better people. They are all clean people so our apartment is never messy, its fabulous! I love them all and I am so excited to have so many more fun adventures with them!

AND LAST......
Whats that?

Haha, but seriously... I have only been on ONE date. WHAT IS THIS?!?! Yeah, I know.

Anyway, pretty much things are going so great and I am having an amazing time in college! I am sooooooo excited have more awesome experiences and get more out of my college experience! Wish me luck!

Much Love :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Mistakes Become Knowledge

Time flies! Its September! I have been living on my own for 4 weeks and have been at school for 3 weeks, and so much has already happened! Where do I begin?

BOYS, of course!
I made a goal to push my personal boundaries and step out of my comfort zone as much as possible. As a result I have met TONS of new people, its incredible! I am learning so many new things about myself and others and I am becoming more comfortable talking to strangers, is that a good thing? I have decided that boys aren't everything they seem, and there are always going to be guys that you don't get along with or don't like but sometime you just have to deal with it for the sake of your friends. Sometimes you will be rejected and sometimes you will have to do the rejecting. Is it possible to reject a guy in a nice way? I haven't met anyone significant (not that I'm looking), but I have been interested in talking to some very cute guys. I have been told that I have a flirty personality and that is not always a good thing, people get the wrong idea about you and make bad assumptions, when really I am just trying to be nice and get to know people. Gossip isn't something that we should ever have to deal with but we are only human. I think it is good to remember forgiveness and that nobody is perfect, put yourself in others' shoes and look at things from a different perspective. I'm glad that I have friends that will stand up for me and that care about me enough to watch out for me. Bringing me to my next topic, friends.

We all love friends, right?
Just as I mentioned before, I have been meeting so many new people and I am so excited for this year to continue to progress so I can continue to meet new people and get my name out there. One thing that I learned is that it never hurts to say hi to someone or to strike up some small talk. What do you have to lose?
My roommates are all fantastic, we are all different but we all get along so well! There is always at least one of them that want to go do something with me and I loving having them around to talk with. We are all growing up and learning all sorts of new things and it is so fun!

School, School, School.
All I ever hear about college is that it is so hard, scary, overwhelming, and exhausting! I have experienced the exact opposite! School is school, yes, but I love being on campus and meeting new people in my classes. The discussions we have in class are so much more mature and intriguing. Nobody cares if you were the cheer captain or if you were the most popular kid in school, instead their impressions of you begin the first time you meet. So far, homework hasn't been completely drowning me! I have been able to stay on task and keep up with everything. I have been busy, that's for sure!

College is treating me well and I am so excited to continue to grow and improve in all aspects of my life! Hopefully I can continue to meet new people each day and build relationships. Wish me luck!

Much love :)

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Moving out and Moving on!

When I think of moving out I think of staying up late, walking around in my underwear, and going to the bathroom with the door open. The independence and being able to do whatever I want sounds like a luxury!


I have to share a 3 bedroom apartment with 6 girls. I get to go from having my own room with a queen bed to a shared room with a twin bed and half a closet. At home I take up 2 drawers with all my beauty products and now get to downsize to one drawer half sized! The struggle is real. 

But wait, there's more! I get to buy my own food, makeup and hair products, cleaning supplies, and school supplies. How does independence sound now? Scary, hard, expensive, awkward, sad, and maybe even a little lonely?

However, I don't think I have ever been more excited to pack up my bedroom! Remember, optimism is key! Think of all the new people I will meet and all the amazing experiences I will have! Sometimes I over think things and this is definitely one of those things, but I know this will be amazing!

My roommates seem really nice, but there is always an awkward tension ever time I walk into a room. Will that ever go away? They are all LDS and I feel so blessed! What a better way to start freshman year than with a bunch of girls that have my same values?

This year is going to be amazing and I can't wait to see what Utah State has in store for me!

Much love :)

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Life Goes On

Many things this past week have really got me thinking! I have had some issues that I have been dealing with for a really long time and some trials that I've had to overcome. Along the way I have learned new things about my self and life, I would love to share them with you!

First, people will come and people will go.
 I have met some really cool people throughout my lifetime, some I would have liked to keep a friendship with, and others who I forgot we even had a friendship. However, one thing I know is that everything happens for a reason. When someone comes into your life they are there to help out, teach you, strengthen you, guide you, or hopefully improve your life in one way or another. Sometimes it is to teach you a lesson and sometimes that lesson comes after you have gone through a trial or a hardship with that person. No matter the reason, I know that I want to gain something from each person I interact with, and make the most out of the time I have with that person.

Second, prioritize your friends.
 Figure out who is important to you and who is the best fit to be around you. There will be people out there that you just feel attracted to and you just want to be around all the time! Sadly, that doesn't mean that you should be. If they are a bad influence on you or don't have the same standards all they are going to do is bring you down! My mom always told me, "You become who you hang out with." I never believed her until I got a whole new group of friends one year and really noticed how much my attitude and actions had changed. Surround yourself with uplifting people that will only make you feel better about yourself, people who will support your standards and respect them. If someone doesn't like you for who you are or what you do they don't deserve your time and attention.

Third, always remember who you are.
 High school is the hardest time in life, yet it can also be the most fun! They are going to be people who judge you, bully you, and try to bring you down. My advice is to be yourself and pay no attention to those who don't like that! Try to remember how certain people make you feel, how you act when your with them, and how they affect your attitude and actions. High school is the time to figure all that out about yourself. If you know what you like, what you believe in, and where you are going there isn't a single person that can stop you, except yourself.

Last, life goes on.
You are going to meet people you wish you were friends with, get really really really really really embarrassed, fall in love and get your heart broken, have arguments with people you care about, and do things you shouldn't do. We are all human, and this is life. Remember that each day is a new start and you write your own story, you get to decide who you are and what you become. Make the most out of life and don't worry about the little mistakes we all make. Don't worry about that one time you took a joke too far and everyone just looked at you awkwardly because you were the only one still laughing. Don't worry about the first time you had a friend over and your mom just dumped all your clean underwear onto your bed. Don't worry about your first kiss or your first date. Don't worry about the little things, but instead make memories that make you laugh and always remember that life goes on.

Much love :)

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Friends Forever

Today we lost a classmate, brother, son, but most importantly a friend. Ryker Dattage was killed in a car accident. He will be greatly missed and prayers and thoughts going out to his family and those others involved in the accident.

After I heard what happened it really made me think, things like this can really happen to anyone! We always think it just happens to other people and we would never have to deal with it but today I was very humbled. I realized that I take a lot of my friendships for granted! I have so many amazing people in my life that support me in everything that I do, they laugh with me (and at me), but best of all they love me. I am so blessed!

This post is dedicated to all the people out there who have stood by my side in times of need or hardship! To those who have supported my decisions, good and bad, and those who have influenced me to do good and helped me become the person I am today.

There have been a lot of times in my life that I needed a friend, and no matter what there was always someone there I could trust! (you know who you are) She has always been there to laugh and cry with me, to support me, comfort me, love me, stand up and protect me, humble me, guide me, and give me the sister I never had. We have our differences, no doubt! But no matter what she has always been there for me and has always had my back, she has shown me what a real friend is and is such a good example of how we should treat our friends. She definitely has her fair share of trials, but it is so amazing to see the amount of strength, courage, and faith she has. She could endure anything. Her family has taken me in and treated me with so much love and kindness that, in all honesty, its almost overwhelming!! Haha, in a good way, of course! I love them just as much as my own family and I am so thankful for them and the things they have done for me! Boo Boo (no names for security reasons) is the best little sister I could ever ask for!!

She isn't the only one! My brothers (although related so really we don't have a choice but to be friends) are my best friends! The have been there since the beginning, literally! I know I can always count on them to put my in my place when I need it, but also to lighted my mood when I'm down.

I learned a lot about friendship today and I hope I never lose sight of who is important to me! I'm so thankful for the relationships I have and have had. There are so many people in my life that I just can't thank enough, I am so grateful. My heart is full and I hope that everyone can think about their friends and remember to tell them how much you love and care!

Much love :)

Monday, July 28, 2014

Meet The Family!

I know you think it's a little bit early for you to be meeting the family, but I think you're ready! I have the coolest family you will ever meet!

There are four munchkins, Craig is 20, ME, Tyler is 14 (15 in a month), and last but definitely not least, Matt just turned 14! My brothers are all so awesome! They keep me on my toes and always give me someone to pick on, so kind of them! As you can see, we all have a really good relationship with each other and my younger brothers and I are always going out and finding random fun things to occupy our time.

My mom and dad are equally as fantastic! My dad knows everything about everything, I swear. I ask him all my questions and he always has the best answers. He is the best cook ever and is continually teaching me all his tips and tricks, I am hoping one day I can just whip something together like he can! My mom is the one that keeps the family grounded, she is our rock. She keeps us thinking logically and reasonably! On top of that she is always optimistic and keeps everyone happy and lifts our moods when we are down, she always has time to listen and never lets us go anywhere without a hug. I love my parents!

My family continually teaches me new things and is helping me grow and become the person I want to be. My parents are amazing examples to all of us and my brothers help me learn how to treat people with kindness and selflessness. Leaving them will be hard because their lives will continue while I'm gone but I won't be there to see it. Luckily, I will be close enough to visit all the time! Haha, they thought they were getting rid of my for good!

Much love :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Optimism Is key!

If anyone had a bad day today, it was me! Would you like a play-by-play? Good because I'm going to give you one!

It all started 7 months ago when I decided to get a job at all call center, it wasn't bad at first but the longer I have been here the worse it gets. So here is the low down: you make money for the company, get there on time, and meet all the hour requirements and you can bonus all the way! However they make that very hard, I call republicans asking for donations! Anyway, long story short I won't be bonusing very much this paycheck!

Next, I woke up early so I could get a lot of errands done before work. So at 9 am I was out weeding raspberry bushes for a few hours. That doesn't sound too bad until I remind you that raspberry bushes have thorns.... we have at least 8 feet of bushes. I finally finish and go inside to boil some eggs from my mom when I decided to check to notifications on my phone. This was when I was reminded that I had an orthodontist appointment in 15 minutes!

So I get to the appointment, right on time! And sit and wait for THIRTY MINUTES. What even is this?! So that was awesome. I get my wires changed and realize I haven't eaten yet and my mouth is going to be sore for the next week.

I get to work, do horrible, and go home. My house is empty and I remember that I was supposed to go to my grandma's house for fireworks! I hop in the car and drive the 20 minutes there and realize my parents van isn't there. I call my mom and she so kindly reminded me that we scheduled that for tomorrow.

What did I learn from all of this? Optimism is key! I know you are probably thinking, "How on earth did you learn that?!" Let me explain myself!

I believe that everything happens for a reason! Along with that I believe in Karma. In the past I would blame other people for my bad mood and try find reasons why I was having so much bad luck. Tonight I realized that it doesn't help anything or anyone if I try to put the blame on someone else and being in a bad mood also won't help you or anyone else! People are drawn to positive uplifting people, someone that is happy! If you are showing everyone that you are having a bad day who does that help?

I want people to remember me as the girl that was always smiling! The girl that was constantly uplifting others, not the pessimist. Which one are you?

Much love :)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

New Beginnings

We all get so excited and look forward to the most awkward years of our lives, for what? We turn 18 and become adults! We get to move out, go to college, and become independent! I know you are thinking, how is that awkward? Here are 5 reasons why:

1. Shopping
Do I start buying my own socks and underwear? What about deodorant and chapstick? Toothbrushes? Can we still go school clothes shopping?

2. Responsibilities
Now I have to pay for my own phone, car, AND insurance? Not only that but I have to make my own dentist and doctor appointments?! 

3. Child at heart, adult by age
So now that I'm 18 that means I have to let all the little kids get food first? I want to jump in the bouncy house, too!

4. Moving out
What am I supposed to take with me? Can I just take some of Mom's towels? Where do I buy a can opener?

5. Roommates
So you are telling me I have to share two bathrooms with six other girls? Enough said.

You get the point, there is a lot to adjust to! So moving on to the point of this post...

WELCOME TO MY BLOG! I am here to take you with me through the journey of all this awkwardness, and let me tell you... I am pro at being awkward! I am just a normal (adult but technically still a teenage) girl, living my live to the fullest. I will be moving out and going to college in just a few weeks, I have some big changes coming up and what better way to document it than share it with the world?! Anyway, more coming soon! Stick around!

Enjoy! Much Love :)