Go to college they said, it will be fun they said. Its crazy how time flies, I feel like it was just yesterday when I graduated high school! So much has happened since I've moved up here. I am now engaged and I changed my major to mechanical engineering! Totally kidding, did I scare you? I scared myself a little bit just saying that! Anyway, forget all this mumbo jumbo, lets get into it!
College has been treating me so well! Its is the new semester and I'm taking more credits than I was last semester but its almost easier than it was last semester! My roommates and I are all very good friends, which is so awesome! Sometimes we have some drama but its easily resolved. We all have very similar standards and views so its super easy to get along with them. I love them all to death! Next year they plan on living at Old Farm but only Sarah and I plan on living together. Its a good thing, that way I will be able to get to know their new roommates and we will all have even more friends! I'm way excited! Next up:

SURGERY! Oh boy am I excited! It is coming fast! I had a consultation and we are planning on early May, depending on if I am still growing or not at the time. Its going to be a very long recovery. Wanna hear? The 6 weeks right after the surgery are the most crucial for healing so I will be on a "No Chew" diet. Meaning I get to eat everything through a straw for a week then for 5 more weeks I get to eat mashed potatoes and scrambled eggs! Then I have to ease myself into the chewing stage so that I don't screw anything up and end up having to get surgery again. Right now I'll just be getting X-rays and waiting for school to finish. It is a scary thing but I have been waiting so long for this, I can't wait! It will be hard but it will be so worth it.
Now for the best part....
my awful dating story! I should win an award with this one! Where do I begin? I'm not going to share names so for the purpose of this story my mysterious man is Johnny! So Johnny and I met at church, at first I didn't have my eye on him but one Sunday he sat by me in Sunday school. That was probably the first time we had a real conversation (Beyond "hi, how are you?") and I realized HE WAS SO CUTE! I didn't make any moves but after he sat next to me in Sunday school a few more times I decided to show that I was into him by inviting him to a movie night! Then we sat by each other at ward prayer and he asked me to go ice skating on a date with him. HECK YES! I'm thinking, "Well basically we are going to get married now because he is perfect." Then after ward prayer we went to his apartment and watched a movie and then just hung out all night long, literally until like one in the morning. So then the next day we go ice sating and get lunch and the conversation just flowed, it was so fun! I definitely thought there was something there. That night he came over to our apartment for a movie and game night, and I was basically drooling the whole time. Things just clicked and I had this small hope that there was something between us. Saturday was Utah State's last hockey game for their regular season so I invited Johnny because he is also a hockey fan. Now I want you to know this was not a date but I did say, "You should come
with me to the hockey game." Johnny was going to the temple that afternoon so he just decided to meet us at the rink. We get there and I save Johnny a seat next to me, but guess what? HE BROUGHT A FRIGGIN GIRL. Yeah, you heard me right, a girl. So my first though was. "Okay, this is okay. She is just a friend!" OHHH NO. Definitely not just a friend. Johnny not only completely zoned me out but he held her hand and has his arm around her and they flirted and were all cute while I just sat there. Talk about awkward!! Not only that but after the game they just got up and left and he didn't even say bye to me. Apparently I like guys that are taken because that isn't even the first time that has happened! I decided to just give up on Johnny. That was a HUGE downer to my self-esteem, I felt so awkward and belittled. It wasn't the fact that he definitely has a girl or even the fact that he brought her to the game its that he sat next to me with her. GO SIT SOMEWHERE ELSE FOR GOODNESS SAKE.
Come on, Johnny! Anyway, I think that is a sign that nobody should try to date their freshman year of college! (Or that I am just destined to be a crazy dog lady) Either way, take my advice and make sure the guy you want to date doesn't have a girlfriend.
I am so excited to continue to see where life takes me. Its so exciting to see how much I've accomplished in just six months. I hope you stay a while for the journey!
Much love :) xoxo